Current Students
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Current Students

This page lists the current Ph.D and M.S. students as well as post-doctoral research associates who have worked in our lab.



Current Ph.D. Students

Huitao Yang
Current research involves numerical investigation on blade regions including flow and film cooling on a blade tip, film cooling on the rotating blade leading edge and platform in 1-1/2 turbine stage and conjugate heat transfer study using commercial CFD code, Fluent.

Lesley Wright

Current research is focused on experimental investigation of turbine blade platform film cooling and rotational effect on trailing edge internal cooling.

Shantanu Mhetras
Current research is focussed on experimental study of gas turbine blade film cooling and internal turbulated heat transfer at large Reynolds numbers.

Janice Gao
Research projects involve study of turbine cooling technology using experimental methods and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools. Various measurement techniques such as the Infrared (IR) camera, Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC), Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) and Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) have been used to study film cooling effectiveness on the flat plate, platform, blade tip and blade leading edge. The CFD study is focused on conjugate heat transfer using commercial software FLUENT.

Yao-Hsien Liu
Current projects involve internal cooling with investigation of rib spacing effects in an 1:2 rotating channel. Also involved in computational analysis of blade film cooling by compressible RSM model.

Diganta Narzary
Research work is based on film cooling effectiveness measurement on 2-D turbine blades using PSP technique. Future work will involve measuring the velocity distribution in the blade passage region in spanwise and transverse direction using PIV.

Michael Huh
Research is focused on turbine blade internal cooling with rotational effect.

Rallabandi Akhilesh
Research is focused on turbine blade cooling study.


Current Master Students

Sarah Blake
Research projects involve cooling of turbine blade platform.


Current Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Dr. Dong-Ho Rhee
Research projects involve turbine blade cooling study.


Current Research Engineer

Mr. Randall Tucker
Research is focused on new rotating rig design for internal heat transfer study.


